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Dr. Jessica Gold
Executive Relationship Consultant | Tech Founder | PhD Scientist
I’m an MIT-trained PhD chemist and neuroscientist-turned relationship expert (a different kind of 'bonding' and 'chemistry', you might say - wink, wink).
Before MIT, I grew up in the desert of West Texas, among cattle, oil rigs, guns, and conservative religion. I've crossed many divides in my life.
Like many of us in STEM, despite 10 years in academia, I never had a single class on healthy relationships, or how to be a healthy human.
Repressing my body and emotions for decades led to crippling anxiety, stressful relationships, and chronic fatigue. So, I left my academic career to go say 'yes' to what scared me and heal.
During this time, my marriage ended in a painful divorce, and I spent 4+ years living in spiritual communities in Asia, awakening to the non-dual view of reality.
I have now been studying meditation, conscious relating, and sexuality with the world’s best teachers for the past decade.
I founded my first company, Bliss Science, because I wish someone had taught me all this before my divorce. I’m also the co-founder of the AI company Digital Wisdom, a TedX speaker, meditator, and CrossFit enthusiast.
After traversing the dating minefield for 8 years after my divorce, I’m grateful to be building both a tech company and a dream relationship with my partner, Tevye, and our dog, Brownie.​​​​​​
My certifications & teachers:
International Coaching Federation (PCC level)
VITA Sex, Love, and Relationships (Layla Martin)
Process-Oriented Psychology (David Bedrick)
Emotional Mastery (Jenny Hale)
Relational Life Therapy (in process) (Terry Real)
Embodied Relationship Salon (John Wineland & Kendra Cunov)
Non-dual Shaiva Tantra Immersion (Christopher Wallis)
Meditation & Non-dual philosophy (Paul Muller-Ortega)

"Health, love, and your mission, in that order. Nothing else matters." - Naval Ravikant
Like many of the men I work with, I was all-mission, all the time, for 15 years. Health and love were accessory. And it led me to burn out at age 33 and leave my scientific career.
Today, after 10 years of studying personal growth, I'm on a mission to help men and women understand each other.
I'm creating a movement of men and women who want both passionate relationships and profitable businesses.
I chose my training to focus on working with men because:
1. Men have been underserved in the personal growth and relationship realms. Women are hungry for men doing this work.
2. What I saw predominantly in the media and women's circles was the shaming of men. But if we want world-class relationships, there has to be empathy and collaboration. I'm reaching out a hand.
3. As a former left-brained scientist working in a masculine field, valuing logic, and highly skeptical of somatic, subjective, or spiritual realms, I have often related more to men's experiences.
Let me tell you a secret:
Women love it when you are powerful.
The key is - the new paradigm of power doesn't come from power-over another. It comes from inner power. Relational IQ.
You can be a Relationship Rebel and choose self-awareness - or you can follow the status quo of acrimonious relating and dead bedrooms.
You can be a Power Couple, inside and out, and leave a legacy of love for your kids - or you can continue to act the same old way, getting the same old results.
Coming from a background of shame, denial, and repression is the name of the game. We all face it.
I'm here because I love logic, left-brained nerds, and the life of the mind. Just because I might ask you to turn toward your emotional world with curiosity doesn't mean we throw out reason.
The paradigm-shifting wisdom of the tantric yogis was to value both intellectual understanding as well as subjective embodied experience. Each refines the other.
Every man and couple who wants a life-long passionate relationship must at some point take this journey.
Join us.
(Based in the San Francisco Bay Area)