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NeoTantra Foundations Online Tantra Course

Get my free download:

How to Incorporate Neo-Tantra

into your Sex Life NOW


  • Get THE manual for tantra you've always wanted

  • For men, women, and everyone

  • If you think you know what 'tantra' is - think again

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as seen on:

Portrait of Smiling Man

I found your 12 concepts of Neo-tantric sex to be the best, most concise overview I have come a read (and I read a lot) on the subject, so thank you for that. It allowed me to pull so much of what I’ve learned into one concise way of how to “be tantric” in both life and sex.



- John, San Francisco

Image by Francis Odeyemi

Now I get it! THIS is what it's like for sex to be about intimacy rather than about body parts. My whole life all I did was rush to the finish line. Now I'm interested in presence. I just saw my wife like she was 20 years ago - there was a newness and innocence in relating. We lost that through the years of kids, work, and stress." Greg, San Jose


- Greg, San Jose

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Meet Dr Jessica

Who would you rather learn 'tantra' from than an MIT-trained PhD scientist? I spent 4+ years living in spiritual communities - and the last 10 years obsessively studying relational intelligence with the world's best teachers. 


I've been called 'fierce and fearless.' I use my Bliss Science method to get you results - and your bottom line will thank you. My clients say ‘it’s like night and day.’


I'm a professionally-certified coach (PCC), and I bring my lived experience to this work: getting out of my head, a painful divorce, 8 years in the minefield of modern dating, and creating the relationship of my dreams with the love of my life.

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